Go' dag go' dag!

School just started today and we've been introduced to the rules at the base, and also had a tour, or de-tour if you like, of the facilities. that was pretty alright, but it's gonna be good to get started for real. the last few days have been pretty good, getting to know new people, eating my first corn-dog. did you know that there's a hot-dog in there? I had no idea!
I'll post a few pictures today as well for all of you visual people.
the first picture is one of my moose; Bruce "The Moose", or "elgen Helge" as we would say in Norway, at the airport in Amsterdam. (dunno if it will be the first picture when I post this, but it was the first picture I added to this post so,)he's my travel-companion and also joined me to go to Australia. (I actually got him on the airplane as a "gift to the children", but don't tell him that, he'll get pretty upset, as he stills thinks he's from the deep forests of the cold and wild Norway) he will be doing some updates when I'm busy with the SOW and giving you some inside on what's going on in my life from an other "person's" perspective, or "froskeperspektiv" as some would say (don't tell him I said that either. he's not very tall, hence his lack of self-confidence)
in one of the pictures you see a part of the YWAM-base. I couldn't fit everything in one shot so.
you can't really see it that well here, but this is Bruce looking out over Minneapolis from the air-plane.
this is my room-mate, Moa, from India. he's not as angry as he may seem in this picture. Moa's a really nice guy. you should get to know him...but he's here at the moment so it won't be that easy as of now, but later on you should seriously consider it. and by the way, he's not doing a "Yo mama, what's up with yo brotha?!"- move with his hand, he's just scratching his arm. just for the record.
that was just another post to show that I'm alive and well in Lakeside, MT and that I'm doing just fine.
have a good one and God bless.
At 20/9/05 20:18,
Paul Andreas said…
Kult å høre fra deg på denne måten også, å se dine språkevner utfolde seg til det fulle og sånn.
Hils Bruce og ellers alle kjente.
"Go Bruce!", forresten...
At 22/9/05 09:01,
lykkelig i live said…
hvilken glede å høre om dine opplevelser! her er du jommen savnet... jeg ska jo møte pølle i helga d blir lys å varme!:)
see u later aligator
At 25/9/05 17:05,
Jenny Therese Korsnes Aasen said…
David, groupgathering(tulla) gruppesamling hos fjellestad! Har nettopp sett den første lost episoden av andre sesong som eirik har lasta ned! dritskummel.. men siden du er så kul som er i usa å sånn så har du sikkert sett den siden usa er så kult å sånn! Nå skal vi spille poker, og jeg og marie skal se charlie å stæsh på kino i kveld! har du mobilnr? marie er ivrig etter oppdateringer på kjærstefronten!:p Og ellers ville et bilde av deg i den fine rosa morgenkåpa gi ekstra stjerne i margen! Hilser fra pål og eirik og jo yngve(tror jeg) og helene, og så var det meg og marie.. Jaja, koz on! Koz Jenny
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