
I haven't made a post in a little while, so I thought I should make one.
The first weeks have been really great. The first week we had about songwriting, so we had Sean Astin (I think) and Jason Houtsma teaching us about that. they are both worship-leaders at a church called Hillcrest, in Washington somewhere. They are both excellent musicians so it was really inspiring to both watch and listen. They also critiqued our songs, and mande comments about them, so that was pretty cool. We all need to write one song each week, so this week was pretty helpful. I've written two songs already, and I'm working on my third one. At the end of the school we will be recording a CD with one song from each student.
The second week we had about Identity of a Worshiper where a guy called Matt Atkins spoke. He's the pastor at Hillcrest. The most inspiring thing about this week was the last day, where they spoke words over us (from God). And they told me stuff that matched exactly what I'll be doing when I get back to Norge. I wasn't 100% sure I was going to do that, but now I am, so that's pretty awesome.
This week we had about Spiritual Warfare and we went through the book of Ephesians, which was interesting, 'cause the speaker (Tom something) spoke on Spiritual Warfare from a different angle sort of...a bit hard to explain.
I'm doing really good over here. It's starting to get colder, so the winter is about to settle in Montana. This is a picture of me and Rachael, from DTS, just messing around with the camera. It was a lot of fun...there's more where that came from. She thought Team Antonsen was funny, believe it or not.
well, God bless you guys and vi snakkes en eller annen gang.
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