I hovedstaden en tur.

ok, it's about a week since I went to our capitol now, but I need to give you some pictures and some letters about it anyway. doesn't matter if you agree or not.
I visited a good friend of mine, Håvard. he's a musician and a friend I've had many a good laugh with, and then I mean laugh, like Rolling-On-Floor-Laughing laugh. good times!
we walked around in our capitol. two of the pictures in front of the Norwegian Royal Palace, one of them with a guy from the national guard posing. bruce was enjoying himself in his own environment...sort of. yay!
we also just got a Hard Rock café in Oslo and I had to take a picture of that.
håvard also took me to the top of the SAS-hotel and you have the greatest view when youu pee...don't get me wrong; you pee while looking over the city of Oslo. it was great! I hope you can't see that much of a reflection from the window. bruce also had a pee and a beer. and we had to buy a beer so it wouldn't be that weird to go to the top of a hotel and pee.
this weekend I was one of the leaders at a camp for children 10-12 years old. it was fun, the kids were hearing about Jesus so it was good to get some teaching that was made towards younger Christians, and non-Christians. I was leading the talent show with a friend of mine too...did some rapping and wrote a song etc. also played a couple children's songs...the kids were singing along so that was fun.
well, hope you're doing alright out there.
Gud bless you!
At 12/4/06 03:33,
telttur said…
Helt konge ,,, jeg skal paa toppen av oslo plaza,, Bra updating, jeg leser heller "ka'e vitsen" en VG
Helt klart,
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