Ladd i Hamar.

I went bowling with bruce and some friends this weekend. it was fun, bruce did alright I guess, nothing spectacular...he'll hate me for writing that but.
I also did some DDR with a friend of mine. it was fun, actually won one of the rounds even though she dances at school and stuff. think I'm gonna go professional. my head is growing as I speak, sorry...but good times!
the pyramid we're trying to do is with Eirik, my brother Pølle and me. didn't work out that well.
we also played some settlers. reminded me of Montana with trade of wood etc. had a lot of fun with that.
I'm leaving on monday, tomorrow, so I'm gonna have some friends over tonight. maybe I'll take some pictures and post them. we'll see.
well, that's all folks!
hope you're doing alright whereever you are.
Gud velsigne dere!
At 16/4/06 17:34,
Sven said…
Jeg savner Norge mer og mer av å lese bloggen... men det er chill. Gøy å se bilder av folk. Det er bare 9 måneder siden jeg så dere sist men...
At 18/4/06 03:36,
Martine said…
Ahh! Venner.. Savn. David- lykke til i skien! Og jommen sa jeg smoer- pyramiden ser litt... rar ut.... :p
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