Hei sveis!

it's been a while since I last updated, so even though I don't have any big news for you, I though I'd just update anyways so you'll know I'm alive, 'cause I am.
this week the lectures were on Worship and Prophecy and there was a married couple, Becky and Larry Thomas + a guy called Ryan something who spoke. I enjoyed it; it was not too abstract and it was relevant and understandable so. we also tried some prophesying ourselves at the end of the week, and that was really interesting and encouraging.
yeah, and me and a guy from DTS just thought we'd go hiking to the top of this mountain/hill or whatever, and we did. it didn't look too steep from the base, but we were proved wrong, 'cause it was pretty steep, and without trails up the hillside. so we struggled to the top and it took about an hour or so. it was pretty tiring, and when we finally made it up there, the view was close to none. I mean, you could see mountain tops just like the one we had hiked up to, but that's no fun; we wanted to see the lake, Lakeside and the base. but there were trees blocking the view to where we wanted to look. it was pretty lame to have come all the way up there and finding there was no view whatsoever, at least the way we looked at it. we officially named the top "Lametop". so I'm posting a couple pictures from our adventure. I'll try and post a picture from halfway up too, where you can actually see the base, but I haven't uploaded it yet, so have patience.
I'm adding some other pictures too. there's one of my roommate, dressing up as me on song cafe night, and one of the school leader dressing up as his wife and Didier from Chad as his room-mate Robin, from India. I'm also adding a photo I took of the water-tower on the base.
hope you're doing alright, 'cause I am.
Gud bless!
At 23/10/05 16:33,
Sven said…
Hello David I check your blog almost every day so it was about time you posted something. Keep doing whatever it is that you're doing over there, and God bless you.
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