Hoppende glad i regnet i Ungarn
Jeg så mitt snitt til å legge ut en snutt, så da gjorde jeg det._dAVID
Har oppretta en ny blogg - "Snuttsnitt". Her kommer det til å komme videosnutter. For øyeblikket tenker jeg at det er mest for egenopplevde greier, men du skal ikke se bort i fra at det kommer videoer av og med andre personer også.
Siger (...) sammen og tviholder i ripa på kanoen
Ikke lenge før slutten på føljetongen, men her er ihvertfall fjerde del._dAVID
Fotball, fotball
This picture is a few weeks old, but it's still a picture of me and Ruben at the Vålerenga - Ham-Kam game...along with about 13.000 other people.Yup._dAVID
As of late my urine has turned orangy red. Disgusting!

Et av trærne gikk lei barnålene
Tredje del av det store kanoeventyret finner du på den andre bloggen min.
Nyt det om du kan.
Årets beste så langt
mewithoutYou's latest album "Brother, Sister" (released September 26) is the best album I've heard in a long time. The musical aspect is really varied, going from intense to really mellow.
But it's Aaron Weiss' lyrics that really blow me away though. He writes stuff in a way I've never seen before, in a way that I would never have thought of writing it.
Here are a few excerpts -
""I do not exist", we faithfully insist/while watching sink the heavy ship of everything we knew/if ever you come near I'll hold up a mirror/Lord, I could never show you anything as beautiful as you"
"So SHADOW AM I!/the material world seems to me like a newspaper headline/it explicitly demands your attention/and it may even contain some truth/but what's really going on here?/one day the water's gonna wash away/and on that day, nothing clever to say"
"Builder with the broken bricks/Mother to the baby chicks/You made this world look so nice/I wonder what the next one's like?/yellow spider/yellow leaf/confirms my deepest held belief"
well, that's it for now. hope you're all doing well out there, and Gud bless you!
Kristian på nett!
"No way!" sier du kanskje, "Kristian på nett?"
Ja, det er sant, Kristian har fått seg blogg og den finner du på kristianrem.blogspot.com.
Ha det gøy på bloggen hans, men ta det litt rolig. Gutten er tross alt invalid og går på trygd.
(For all you English-speaking people, the post is just about a friend of mine who got himself a blog. Hooray!)