Gledelig takksigelse!

Happy thanksgiving on thursday everyone! it was my first thanksgiving on American soil so that was a nice experience.
this has been a pretty good week; there was a talent show on base and I played guitar on one song me and a girl from DTS wrote, I rapped in Norwegian and also played a funny song with a guy from my school. it was a hoot, and there was a lot of great stuff and talents displayed. the concert on sunday was a lot of fun. there were five bands playing so each band didn't get as much playing time as I hoped but...the lectures this week was only for three days and we did personality tests which were interesting. I don't know if all the stuff in the description of my "personality" match me, but it was fun anyways.
yesterday, me and some guys from DTS went on a daytrip to Missoula, which is about 110 miles south I think it is. there haven't been a whole lot of people on the base during thanksgiving; a lot of the students have gone home to celebrate "turkey-day". I went to my school-leaders' house to eat and hang out, and the food was really good. I was starting to get the flu, and I've sort of had it for a couple days, but I hope I'm starting to get better.
hmmmm...dunno what more to write, but if there's anything you want to know just ask. I know I'm throwing this in all the time, but I don't mind e-mails, but I'm not craving them either.
hope you're all doing alright and snakke to you later.
I'm also posting some pictures; one is from me rapping at the talent show (the quality of the picture isn't very high, maybe I'll find a better one later...or maybe I won't) and one is of a band that played...they were pretty funny. I'm also posting a couple pictures from the show we went to a week is of me and Ryan and Gidon from DTS. the two other ones are of the Chariot, a pretty darn good band. the two next ones are from my thanksgiving celebration...I beat my school leader at Tekken! the last picture's from the trip to missoula; me and Gidon.
well, that's it folks!
God velsigne deg!