Liv laga i Skien

why, hello!
how are you guys doing?
I'm doing alright...still in skien. my lawn is finally finished, we've sowed grass and now all we have to do is to wait. my parents were here this weekend and they helped me out. good times!
other than that I'm still working on that kids' show and the girl I'll be working closest with as far as script for our part goes, is here this week. we're trying to structurize (is that even a word?) our work and figure out how to approach our tasks.
it's exciting and I want to learn a lot of new stuff and discover more of my talents this year and be challenged by God, myself and other people.
this saturday I'm going to oslo on "Musikkens dag", or "The Day of Music", in Oslo. it's a day where they put up stages all over the city and bands play shows. it lasts for 12 hours and it's free, so it's quite a tasty treat for a civil duty worker from rural Stange.
well, I just wanted to give you an update on my life and let you know that I'm doing ok. I didn't want to leave you with no eye candy this time around either, so I actually sent a photo I took with my phone to mye e-mail account and downloaded to the computer. in other words, it's been through a butt-load of instances to get to your computer screen. the picture is of me and this great kid, Samuel, who came by with his mom and his little brother, or sister, I'm not sure, yesterday. he makes the funniest faces. we did faces together...I did a face and he tried to copy it, I did another one, and so on. he can't do the eyebrow action yet, but he's under heavy training, so one day...
Gud velsigne you guys and I'll talk to you later.
much lovie lovie love.
At 3/6/06 16:00,
Sven said…
Samuel looks like a funny guy. Jeg har ikke flere russebilder, jeg tok det fra vegars hjemmeside. Kanskje han har fler...
At 4/6/06 19:05,
Princess Of God said…
Luk.18,18-24:det er jammen godt du er sivilarbeider david...da er du iallefall nesten sikra en plass i evigheten....og om du søker Ham får du alt det andre i tillegg, les; gratis koserter i oslo osv...
hurra Gud er go!!!
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