Ka 'e vitsen..?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


you can't really see it that well, but in oslo, during the day of music, they had these outdoors urinals lined up. we thought it was pretty funny, so we're posing to get a good shot. no, not a urin shot, a photo shot. one of us couldn't get it going. I'm not gonna say who it was, but it wasn't me or Pål-Vegar


  • At 8/6/06 03:45, Blogger Martine said…

    HAHAHA! :O

  • At 8/6/06 12:31, Blogger Sven said…

    Hey buddeh, lookin' good! That's a pretty suit you got there. What band did you miss bruvva? Piss ut.

  • At 9/6/06 14:03, Blogger David Aasen said…

    thank you good sir knight!
    det var eit orkester med namn Torch eg missa.
    det er en moglegleik for at eg skal intervjua Stryper på Skjærgårds. me får berre beda...bede...bade. eg vet ikkje kvisleis det skrivast.
    me sjåast kugutt!


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