David er ikke den eneste som har vært ute og farta.

No, I've been traveling too. I went to Richmond, Washington DC and Pennsylvania. It was a lot of fun. the vegetation/food wasn't quite what I'd been hoping for, but I got a lot of good pictures out of it. It's kind of funny, isn't it, that I, a moose from Norway, have been several places around the world that some of you guys have never been.
I'm posting a few snapshots to give you a better picture of how my Christmas break has been.
the first picture is from christmas morning, waiting to go down and open presents. I'm watching peter opening one of his.
in the three next pictures I'm at the National Air and Space Museum, I think it's called. can you see me in the third one? David had a hard time finding me. that schmuck!
david thought I would be scared of that lame 'o bear, but it's just stuffed. like one of those stupid animals some people have. those who are stuffed with cotton or something. I'm also posing in front of a statue of a naked dude, with a bow and arrow I think it is. and David for some reason wanted me to jump up and down in front of some art made of out of mirrors outside the National Art Gallery. it was pretty dumb, but it looks kind of cool though.
and there I am in front of the senate...david is a horrible photographer, hence the crappy quality of the picture. I also just had to go to the apple store and check out what's new. that screen is huge, almost makes me look small. I had to send some E-mails to some FE-mail friends of mine. get it? get it? our last night in the DC-area (that's short for Washington DC for those of you who don't travel the world like I do) we went to this Italian restaurant called Olive Garden. I didn't taste the food, but judging by the size of David's belly it looked quite acceptable.
hope you're all having a great time and I'll se you around.
Gud bless as David says.
pis out!
At 9/1/06 11:53,
Sven said…
Hey I just realized that bruce is an actual moose. I thought that maybe moose whas what they called Norwegians in Lakeside. I couldn't understand why there was a stuffed moose in all those pictures.
At 9/1/06 15:53,
David Aasen said…
no man, that would suck to be referred to as a moose and then being mistaken for one (or in this case, according to the locals actually being one) during the hunting season.
bruce just wet himself, need to go and get some paper towels.
At 10/1/06 15:21,
Sven said…
So is bruce a moose or what
At 10/1/06 15:38,
David Aasen said…
of course he's a moose, it's kind of hard to fake that mating-call.
At 11/1/06 14:15,
Sven said…
Hah I got yoo there. Stuffed mooses (or is it moose? Meese maybe?) can't mate.
At 15/1/06 16:59,
David Aasen said…
if they really want to, believe me, they can.
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