Tilbake i lille Lakeside, MT

Godt nyttår, Happy New Year!
I'm now back in Lakeside after christmas break and I've had a really good time. I stayed with a friend of mine's family and they were a lot of fun. I got introduced to some of their Christmas traditions and I introduced them to some of mine...we ate rice-pudding or whatever you call it over here with an almond in it. the one who found it got a marzipan-pig. I also made them this drink called gløgg, a really christmassy drink. I baked some norwegian cookies called sirupssnipper, which they weren't able to pronounce. we also watched the notorious Norwegian "puppet-movie" Flåklypa. after a week at their house we went up to Washington DC where we went to see all those buildings, monuments etc. you see on TV, or I see on TV. that was fun, it was raining the whole first day though which was kind of a bummer. we also went up to pennsylvania to a camp-reunion thing, which was ok too.
now I'm back as I said and a whole new DTS is here, 40 people. kind of weird to have a completely new group here after being used to seeing the faces from the old DTS for three months. the new guys are a fun group though.
we've got one more month of lectures, or 20 days I think, before we go to New Orleans to help out in "cleaning up" after Katarina.
so I'm doing pretty well. God is good and I hope I'll learn a lot from what is left of this school.
hope you are doing good and I'll talk to you later.
and I'm also adding a crapload of pictures so some of you are gonna use a long time to upload the page. the first ones are from my stay in virginia. that family is awesome, we had a lot of fun. the rest are from the DC-area. the one from inside that toilet is from the Smithsonian museum, or one of them. we weren't allowed to take pictures there, but we got around it and boy did we outsmart them. if you have any questions concerning the pictures, feel free to ask.
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