Thursday, June 29, 2006
Sigur Rös er kjempegøy! Ja!

I went to a concert with Sigur Rös on tuesday and it was incredible. They put on an amazing show, it was huge!
There are four guys in the band and they had a strings section and also a horn section. Their music has such a rich picture, if you know what I mean. At the same time, it's kind of weird to have a CD, which is just sound, broken down to smaller pieces, being a few instruments. It really simplifies it. Kind of disappointing, but it's also good and re-assuring to get a confirmation that we're all just human, after all. hihi...yeah.
ok, well, I'll maybe post some pictures in a few days, when I get back home. I took some with my phone, so I just have to see how they turned out.
Gud bless you guys and vi snakkes...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Jeg har ordna meg en blogg til. Inte dåligt!
There's an English version at the end of this post.
Nå har jeg fått meg en blogg til, en litt mer seriøs en. Jeg kommer til å prøve å få hjernen min ned på papiret, eller opp på skjermen om du vil. Det ble litt ekkelt kanskje.
Uansett, bloggen heter "Davids tankeforum" og det er bare til å gå dit og gi kommentarer på det jeg skriver. Jeg skriver for min egen del, for å få ord på tankene mine, men også for at andre skal få noe ut av det. Du er en av de andre, hvis du ikke skjønte det.
Så ha det gøy og skriv kommentarer så det lukter svidd etter. En link til bloggen ligger også i "margen" (fint ord vi brukte mye i norsken på skolen) til høyre.
Kyzz, klapz og klemz fra
I've made a new blog and it will probably for the most part be in Norwegian. I will post thoughts from myself throughout the year and just try and get my brain down on paper, or rather the computer screen. That sounded kind of gross.
Anyhoo, the the name of the blog is "Davids tankeforum", which means "David's thoughtforum".
Go ahead and make comments and join the fun. Especially all you English speaking people. I'll post a link to the blog to the right.
Gud bless!
Nå har jeg fått meg en blogg til, en litt mer seriøs en. Jeg kommer til å prøve å få hjernen min ned på papiret, eller opp på skjermen om du vil. Det ble litt ekkelt kanskje.
Uansett, bloggen heter "Davids tankeforum" og det er bare til å gå dit og gi kommentarer på det jeg skriver. Jeg skriver for min egen del, for å få ord på tankene mine, men også for at andre skal få noe ut av det. Du er en av de andre, hvis du ikke skjønte det.
Så ha det gøy og skriv kommentarer så det lukter svidd etter. En link til bloggen ligger også i "margen" (fint ord vi brukte mye i norsken på skolen) til høyre.
Kyzz, klapz og klemz fra
I've made a new blog and it will probably for the most part be in Norwegian. I will post thoughts from myself throughout the year and just try and get my brain down on paper, or rather the computer screen. That sounded kind of gross.
Anyhoo, the the name of the blog is "Davids tankeforum", which means "David's thoughtforum".
Go ahead and make comments and join the fun. Especially all you English speaking people. I'll post a link to the blog to the right.
Gud bless!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Tar det aldri slutt det her eller?

another post for ya!
this weekend we had this 15 year anniversary, jubilee or whatever for my old school. a lot of my friends came and we had a good time reminiscing, eating, games and what not. just thought I'd let you in on the fun by posting a couple pictures.
enjoy...(my brother is not falling, he's about to take a jump. no not a dump, a JUMP)
have any questions? ask.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Har døkk det bra? Ell?

hey guys.
this has been an eventful week. last saturday, to make a long story short, I interviewed the president of Burundi. he's a Christian ex-guerilla leader that came to norway. that was fun. he spoke in french so I still don't know what he said, but we're working on that:)
and this week I've been a part of a 4-week (I'm only did one) school called Slingshot. it's about leadership and it has been really encouraging and a great learning experience. and I wouldn't say it was good if it wasn't, but this was incredible. really great teaching. you should check it out online.
I'm also posting a couple pictures. one is a crappy picture of the Oslo-fjord and there's also another picture from our trip to get a hold of the president. a couple of the other pictures is of a guy called Josef something. one of the best communicators I've eve met/heard. he was amazing. that's what he works with too, communication. and last but not least a picture of the co-founder of Youth With A Mission, Darlene Cunningham. she also spoke at "Slingshot". also a good communicator.
hope you're doing like the yellow stuff inside an egg.
Gud speed!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

you can't really see it that well, but in oslo, during the day of music, they had these outdoors urinals lined up. we thought it was pretty funny, so we're posing to get a good shot. no, not a urin shot, a photo shot. one of us couldn't get it going. I'm not gonna say who it was, but it wasn't me or Pål-Vegar
Monday, June 05, 2006
Hjemme på konfirmasjon.

I've been home for the weekend and stopped by in oslo to see some friends and hang out and go to concerts. that was fun, but I apparently missed the best band that day. wellwell.
a friend of the family was confirmated (or whatever you called it) this sunday, he confirmed his baptism. it's a big thing over here.
so, yeah, I'm posting a few pictures. some more will come in a while.
snakkes om litt...